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Residency 17/7/24 - 1/9/24

Kathryn Maguire's practice engages text, sculpture, video, and installation; making diverse cultural references linking the past with the contemporary; exploring geology, the history of materials, building materials, and the circular economy. Her practice concentrates on lithics, minerals, mining, and knowing place from the mantle up. Maguire is examining rocks, minerals and fossils in various international locations. Increasingly, her work engages processes of making, informed by her earlier training as a jewellery-maker and sculptor. She attempts to understand the experience of complexities of deep time visible in materials.

She engages questions arising in the Greek Philosophers and an understanding of materials as a means to both artistic production and revealing laws in the Physical World. Using performance as ‘survey/workshop/lab’ a connection between artist and scientist is explored; creating and presenting demonstrative elements in the gallery and the field. Often an expert is involved, a source of knowledge rooted in real scientific phenomena. Attempts to reveal fundamental and invisible forces and energies, explored by scientists and experts alike, are central to Maguire’s practice. New works have used scientific technology to reveal the geomythologies that we inhabit and host.

Kathryn Maguire is a visual artist and educator whose practice incorporates socially engaged projects and environmental awareness projects. She creates sculptural installations and interventions, weaving her visual arts practice with educational facilitation methods, to explore ideas with communities and within the gallery space. Currently, her work is focused on voices of the forgotten and the dead, the silenced and the non-human, exploring how these voices might have agency in memory and history.

To the Mountain is Maguire's first solo show, exploring the mapping of Mountains. The mapping of Ireland was developed to facilitate taxation and know the 'Underground Potential' of geological and material value. The mapping was done by triangulation by creating a series of primary triangles. Sightings were taken between stations using theodolites. This, and the artist's question, 'Do Mountains commune with us?' has inspired the fabrication of the works on show.Many of the works are informed and inspired by Maguire’s research into magnetism, Earth Sciences and measurement, geological phenomena, and experiments in the field. A simple piece of string tied to a rock can determine Specific Gravity. The works on show examine the potential and meaning of the interior Mountain. How can we move away from over-mining and endless extraction of the Earth’s minerals, and move to a circular economy? In the final work, Plateau seeks to offer a stabilising time and respite, turning the gaze back onto the viewer: the Mountain is within, new rocks are being formed and no longer need to be mined.

Kathryn Maguire

Kathryn Maguire works in Sligo and London. She holds a Masters in Sculpture from Royal College of Art. A BA in Fine Art Sculpture from CCAD and MA in Art in the Contemporary World from NCAD. Residencies & Awards: Leitrim Sculpture Centre Exhibition Residency 2024. Kings Culture Artist in Residence, Kings College & Natural History Museum, London, 2023, Interface Science & Art International Residency; Pasajist, Istanbul & Leitrim Sculpture Centre 2023. GroundWork residency in Norfolk, UK 2022. The London Metallomics Group. The Magnetism Group, Artist in Residence (R&D), CRANN, Trinity College Dublin, 2020. Fish Factory, East Iceland, funded by Arts Council/DLR Council, 2019. Sim House, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2018/2014,2024. Arts Council Artist in the Community R&D Award 2022. Spatial Structures Artist Mentoring with Workhouse Callan 2022.Arts Council Agility Award, 2021. Arts Council Travel & Training Award 2019. DLR CoCo Creative Bursary 2019. DLR Co Co Artists Bursary 2016. Arts Council Artist in the Community Award 2016. Firestation Studios Sculpture Bursary Award 2016.

Selected Exhibitions include St Josphys School, Istanbul, Turkey 2024. Leitrim Sculpture Centre 2024, Clifden Arts Festival 2023. Bush House Arcade, Kings College London 2023. Groundwork Gallery, Kings Lynn, Norfolk. 2022. Earthly Bodies, Angel, London 2022. RCA Degree show 2022. Social Fabric, Liberty Hall, Dublin, 2018. Nasty Women, Pallas Projects, 2017. We Claim, Eden Quay, 2016 /2017. Terra Incognita, Platform Arts, Belfast, 2016. The Balloon, Rawson Projects, New York, 2014. Interactivos12?, Science Gallery, Dublin, 2012. Dublin Contemporary 2011. Notes of Protest, Wyspa Institute of Art, Poland, 2010. No Soul For Sale, Tate Modern, London, 2010 & Dia Centre, New York, 2009. Video Killed the Radio Star, RHA, Dublin, 2010.

Past Residencies